Wilton CE

Primary School

Everyone Belongs, Everyone Achieves.






Nothing should ever go unchallenged, be brave and challenge yourself

Treat everyone as you wish to be treated

Love for god, love for each other, love for learning

Have the highest aspirations of yourself and others, never give up

Listen to one another, everyone is unique, everyone has a voice

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Remote Learning

Remote Learning Arrangements

Wilton school provides remote learning to children who are unable to attend school because they are required to isolate.

The school uses the Microsoft Teams platform to provide a secure space for children to access the learning set by the teacher. Learning for the week is placed on to the class Teams site at the start of every week. This enables children to access the learning as required.

To access the MS Teams children have been provide with a Microsoft 365 account email address and password.

Parents have been provided with information on how to log on to the MS 365 account and how to access Teams. Lessons take place in school which enable children to access the Teams accounts.


Remote learning provision

At Wilton School the minimum amount of remote learning content that will be provided is:



Between 1 to 2 hours a day including 20 minutes phonics and number activities

Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)

English 45 mins, maths 45 mins and other curriculum 90 mins (per day

Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)

Reading 30 mins, writing 60 mins, maths 60 mins and other curriculum 90 mins (per day)


Remote learning will be a combination of:

  • Self-directed tasks and activities,
  • Short teacher led activities
  • Longer self-directed projects.
  • Teacher recorded lessons/live lessons
  • Feely available recorded lessons/activities


Teachers will expect learning to be completed on a daily basis and will provide feedback on all learning that is submitted via Teams. School staff will speak to every child at least once a week and more so for those deemed more vulnerable.
