Welcome to Aslan Class 2024-2025
Class teacher: Miss Townsend
Class teaching assistant: Mrs Heasman
Information for Aslan class.
PE days:
Tuesday and Thursday – please send children into school with appropriate PE kit for the weather, they are welcome to bring in extra clothes such as jumpers and jogging bottoms on the day if needed. Please be aware that we will endeavour to take part in PE in all weather types as we will be outside for most of our PE sessions.
Home Learning:
- Reading – please esure you are reading each evening and logging this on Boom Reader.
- Spellings – new spellings will be given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday.
- Multiplication tables – year 4 have a standardised government assessment on their multiplication tables in June 2025. Each week they will be expected to practise in their red books the multiplication of the week. Given out on a Friday to be returned the following Friday.
Please ensure that all children bring in their reading books everyday as they will be read with in school time by an adult. Please make sure spelling books and multiplication books are returned on a Friday to give out the new ones for the following week.