Wilton CE

Primary School

Everyone Belongs, Everyone Achieves.






Nothing should ever go unchallenged, be brave and challenge yourself

Treat everyone as you wish to be treated

Love for god, love for each other, love for learning

Have the highest aspirations of yourself and others, never give up

Listen to one another, everyone is unique, everyone has a voice

Contact Details


Welcome back!

We hope you all had a lovely, relaxing summer and can't wait to hear about the adventures you've all been up too. Extending a warm welcome to our new members of Elmer class and a big welcome back to our old members. 


A few house keeping details..


  • Your Class Teacher this year in Elmer is Miss Wiltshire, and will be supported by our Teaching Assisstants, Mrs Dunford and Mr Paine. 
  • We will be having PE on Tuesday afternoons, so please send your child to school in their school PE kit. 
  • Horse riding will be continuing on a Tuesday morning. If your child has not been placed into a slot this term, please be assured they will get a chance to go further in the year. 


We have got some fantastic, fun learning opportunities this term, with our overarching theme being: Ourselves. Please see our Curriculum Overview for more details. 
